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Closing the synthetic nicotine tax loophole

The evidence is clear that significant increases in excise taxes, that lead to price increases, have consistently proven to be effective for reducing tobacco consumption.

Legislation proposed by Senator Julian Cyr and Representative Marjorie C. Decker would close the tax loophole on nicotine products like the oral nicotine pouch.  Rising in popularity nationwide, oral nicotine pouch sales have increased by 700% when comparing the last five months of 2019 to the first three months of 2022.

Decades of evidence shows that increasing taxes on tobacco products is the most effective measure for reducing tobacco use. When tobacco becomes less affordable, fewer youth start and more adults quit or cut back. 

The impact of tobacco taxes is strongest on youth. Closing this tax loophole will help prevent young people from starting to use these products. 

Status of this priority issue

Senator Julian Cyr and Representative Marjorie C. Decker filed An Act relative to protecting youth by closing the synthetic nicotine loophole, Senate Bill 186 and House Bill 1383 respectively. 

Products containing synthetic nicotine would be subjected to the same excise tax as tobacco products.

Senator Harriette Chandler and Representative Marjorie Decker filed An Act protecting youth from nicotine addiction (Senate Bill 1809 and House Bill 2870, respectively). The bills were referred to the Joint Committee on Revenue on March 29, 2021. 

mailing address:

Tobacco Free Mass

PO Box 1701

Provincetown, MA 02657-5701

(617) 795-4129

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