Chair: Ellana Stinson, MD, MPH, MBA Dr. Stinson is a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician practicing in the Greater Boston area. She is currently the President of the New England Medical Association and works as a consultant for Barrales Public Affairs. Dr. Stinson began her first term as Vice Chair of Tobacco Free Mass in January 2021. Because she is keenly aware of the way in which legislative policies impact health, Dr. Stinson remains an active member of the Massachusetts’s Medical Society (MMS), where she currently serves on various committees and the Board of Trustees. Dr. Stinson earned her medical degree at Meharry Medical College and is a graduate of Spelman College with a bachelor’s degree in science. She also received her MPH in health policy and management from Harvard School of Public Health, where she focused on her policy interest in access to care and health equity. Vice Chair: Henry L. Dorkin, MD, FAAP Dr. Dorkin graduated from Lehigh University’s College of Engineering in 1970. After receiving his MD from Johns Hopkins, he became a Pulmonary Fellow at Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) and Harvard Medical School (HMS). He then joined the Tufts University School of Medicine/Floating Hospital for Children in Boston where he created the Division of Respiratory Diseases and rose to Professor of Pediatrics. While there, he was also Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Center Director and an ICU Attending. He is a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Thoracic Society. He continues a long history of addressing medical issues at both the State and Federal levels. Dr. Dorkin was elected an officer, ultimately President (2017-18) of the Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS) as well as Chairman of its Board of Trustees. He is a Member of the Medical Advisory Council and Chairman of the Professional Education Committee for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF). In 2002 he moved to Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) as Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School. There he served as the Joey O’Donnell CF Center Director and launched a CFF Therapeutics Development Network (TDN) Center. In 2008 he returned to BCH as Clinical Chief of the Division of Pulmonary Medicine and later also CF Center Director and TDN Center Co-Director. While Director of Clinical Research, he expanded areas of the Program into Asthma, Interstitial Lung Disease, Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, Pulmonary Hypertension, and Transplantation. Currently he is a member of the House of Delegates of both the MMS and the AMA as well as the Organization of State Medical Association Presidents/Past Presidents. In 2021 BCH honored him by creating, the “Henry Dorkin Chair in Pulmonary Health Outcomes Research.” He is now a Corresponding Member of the Faculty and is primarily involved in teaching and education. In 2022 he joined the Dean’s Advisory Committee, new College of Health at Lehigh U., his alma mater. | Past ChairsWe are forever grateful to the talented and dedicated leaders who have chaired Tobacco Free Mass over the years: Blake Cady, MD Inaugural Chair of the Massachusetts Coalition for a Healthy Future Howard Koh, MD, MPH Jack Evjy, MD David S. Rosenthal, MD Carole Allen, MD, MBA, FAAP Gena Carter, MD Thomas Sullivan, MD Alice Coombs, MD, MPA, FCCP Alan Woodward, MD Lynda Young, MD, FAAP Lauren Smith, MD, MPH Dennis M. Dmitri, MD |