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Stop the Boston Globe from Spreading Big Tobacco's Lies!

Recently the Globe began running “sponsored content” paid for by Philip Morris International, in a clear violation of its own policy. The pieces look like newspaper articles but are written for the tobacco company. In the articles, Philip Morris executives attempt to portray their company as champions of science and enemies of misinformation.

This is not harmless--the articles also try to undermine public health efforts, implying that tobacco laws are the result of stakeholders who are anti-science and who spread misinformation.  This flips the truth upside down.  Read more about this issue in an Op Ed in CommonWealth Magazine.

Please tell Linda Pizzuti Henry, the Globe's CEO, that the Globe should have no part in spreading Big Tobacco's lies!  

You can email her at or just click on the button below for a pre-filled email that you can edit.

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Want some background on this issue?  Click here to see what's been going on!

Here are some points you can make in your email:

[If you are a subscriber or advertiser, please mention that!]

Please stop running Philip Morris' sponsored content in the Globe. This content is a key part of the tobacco company's effort to polish its image and weaken tobacco laws. The Globe should not be a party to spreading lies and endangering public health.

By running Phillip Morris' misinformation, you are giving voice and legitimacy to its lies. I am aware that other media outlets are running this content, but that doesn't make it right. The Boston Globe took a principled stand against running tobacco ads over 20 years ago. This is not the time to back down.

I am proud to be part of a movement that has addressed tobacco addiction with science. In Massachusetts, we've used evidence-based policies and medically-based cessation treatments to support smokers in quitting, prevent young people from starting, and protect everyone from secondhand smoke and aerosols. This is how we end the burden of tobacco, not through tobacco-industry sponsored "harm reduction" strategies that exist for those companies' profit.

As the CEO of the Boston Globe, you can put a stop to this.  Please refuse to take money from Big Tobacco, stop running Philip Morris’ sponsored content, and renew your longstanding policy against running tobacco industry advertisements.

mailing address:

Tobacco Free Mass

PO Box 1701

Provincetown, MA 02657-5701

(617) 795-4129

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